What We Do…

We exist as a community to worship God, and to live, proclaim and spread His word. Our purpose is that everyone may have the opportunity to realise that God loves us and that, in Jesus Christ, he calls us to a new and eternal life.

One way in which our purpose is transformed into action is through our many groups whose aims are to prepare and encourage members to help and support one another and the wider community in their varying material and spiritual needs and to work towards establishing God’s Kingdom of peace and justice in our world.

Have you often felt a desire to contribute to the community in accordance with your talents, but were unsure as how to go about this? Why not become involved in one of the many groups in the parish. Together, their scope truly covers everything from cradle to grave and beyond!

Find out more about any one of them by selecting a heading from the list below and scrolling to the group of interest. Then get in touch with the contact person listed, or, where meeting details are provided, simply turn up and learn more about the group before committing yourself – you will be warmly welcome.

After Sunday MassCatechesisHelping To Run The ParishLiturgy and WorshipSocial ActionSocial GroupsSpiritual GroupsYoung People
Bargain StallBecoming A Catholic (RCIA)Church CleaningAltar ServersBereavement Support20/30 GroupAlphaBrownies
Sunday Coffee MorningsConfirmationFlower ArrangersWelcomers and StewardsCAFODAll Hallows Catholic CollegeBrown Scapular of our Lady of Mount CarmelChurch Parade
Parish LibraryFirst Holy Communion And ForgivenessLocal Pastoral AreaChoirCaritas ShrewsburyChristmas FayreDivine Mercy CenacleGuides
Piety StallMarriage Preparation GroupMonthly NewsFolk GroupHospital Chaplaincy TeamKnit and NatterDivine Mercy Chaplet and Stations of the CrossLourdes Group
The Catholic Truth Society (CTS)BaptismParish Centre BookingsLittle ChurchJustice & Peace GroupParents and TotsFive First Saturday DevotionsRainbow Guides
Parish Centre ManagementLiturgy GroupMarriage and Engaged EncounterParish RamblesHealing ServiceSt Alban’s Catholic Primary School
Parish CouncilMinisters of the EucharistMissio – the Pope’s charity for world missionParish Social CommitteeMonday Prayer GroupSt Alban’s Catholic Primary School PTA
Parish Finance CommitteeMorning Prayer Of The ChurchSt. Vincent De Paul SocietyThe 500 ClubNew Life In The Spirit Prayer GroupSt Alban’s Pre-school
Parish MeetingReadersBook ClubParish Rosary for PeaceThe Two Hearts Junior Prayer Group
Planned Giving and Gift AidMacclesfeld and District of the Catenian AssociationTwo Hearts Prayer GroupYouth Group
SafeguardingLadies Group
WebmasterWednesday Coffee Club
Weekly NewsWelcoming Newcomers