Bereavement Support

Caring for those who have lost a loved one is an act of kindness, but it is also a living example of God’s compassionate mercy delivered through the power of human contact. If you have been bereaved and are in need of any kind of practical or pastoral support, or to speak with someone with whom confidentiality is assured, please contact St Alban’s Parish Clergy.

Bereavement Support Group
To further support our clergy and those who have suffered a loss, a group of St Alban’s parishioners meet regularly to ensure that all who have been bereaved are contacted and offered practical and pastoral help where needed and given the assurance of the prayers and support of the whole parish. The group also arranges the special Mass at 12noon on the last Saturday of each month for all those mourning the death of a loved one as well as an annual Mass in November for all who have died during the year.


How are CAFOD responding in Libya?

Storm Daniel hit Libya on 10 September, triggering devastating tsunami-like floods. Two dams burst, submerging the port city of Derna. It’s feared many thousands have died, with many more missing.

CAFOD doesn’t have an established programme in Libya and the collapse of state structures there makes it very difficult for aid agencies to operate, but because of the scale of the disaster we will be working with a trusted partner to ensure that help can get to where it is most needed. We have launched a Libya Floods Appeal so that donations can be made to help those affected directly.

We will also be relying on the prayers of the Catholic community of England and Wales as our partner works through the unique challenges of delivering help following this crisis.

How are CAFOD responding in Morocco?

It is now estimated that more than 2,800 people have been killed by the earthquake, which struck the High Atlas Mountains, south of Marrakech on Friday. Many roads are blocked by collapsed buildings which is making the rescue effort very difficult.

The Moroccan government have not appealed for international aid, but we have been able to send a grant of £30,000 to a local Church partner, Caritas Rabat, to enable them to adapt their usual work and support the families affected by the earthquake.

Your steadfast support and that of the whole Catholic Community of England and Wales during previous emergencies and Fast Days is what has enabled us to quickly make this grant to support work in Morocco, and to find a way to help communities devasted by the flooding in Libya. Thank you.

This coming Fast Day, we’ll be sharing Meera’s story, whose home in Pakistan was swept away by floods last year. With extreme disasters like these happening more and more, your love and support is needed now more than ever.

Please see here for CAFOD and SVP Training Sessions details…

Contact: Jerome Johnston

Caritas Shrewsbury

Formerly known as the Catholic Children’s Society (Shrewsbury Diocese), our Diocesan charity, which aims to empower children and families to experience a fullness of life in all its wide variety, is now called Caritas Shrewsbury, part of a world wide network of local charities seeking to support children and families with anything from complex needs to friendship and companionship. Many St Alban’s parishioners have a home collection box to raise funds for the work of the Charity. These are emptied twice yearly.

Click here for the Caritas Shrewsbury / Catholic Children’s Society (Shrewsbury Diocese) website.

Family Life Commission

The Commission is a group of representatives from each Deanery in the Diocese who seek to promote family life, by encouraging special liturgies, supporting family life by promoting special courses and evenings for married couples etc. They also provide help for difficulties in family life such as separation, divorce and domestic violence etc.

Hospital Chaplaincy Team

Due to on-going Covid restrictions, the Hospital Chaplaincy team, consisting of lay men and women from the Deanery parishes, are temporarily unable to assist the priests of St Alban’s in their Hospital Ministry. We hope to restart this important lay ministry as soon as it is safe to do so.

Under normal circumstances, each team member has responsibility for specific wards at Macclesfield District General Hospital, visiting on a regular basis, talking and listening to patients and taking Holy Communion to those who wish to receive it. Training is available for those who wish to join the team.

There is currently a volunteer opportunity to help co-ordinate the team, if you are interested in serving your community in this way, please email

Justice & Peace Group

We try to understand the meaning of justice in the light of the Gospel and Catholic Social Teaching and to raise awareness – our own and others’- of the instances of injustice and need in the world and of ways of meeting them.

We seek to discover and promote ways in which we can respond in the hope of building a better world.

Everyone is welcome to any of the activities throughout the year. For further information, please contact: Bernadette Bailey  Email:


Tuesday 20th Feb – 7.30 – 8.15pm
Doors open at 7.00 pm
Helping victims of addiction

Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday
Lent LiveSimply Calendar
Sunday 25th Feb at all Masses
Parish LiveSimply Pledge Renewal

Marriage and Engaged Encounter

This is a world-wide Catholic movement of couples, priests and religious who organise weekends to enrich married life and religious vocations through deeper and more open communication, and with a richer awareness of God’s presence in relationships.

Marriage Care

This is a Deanery Group who work with engaged couples to prepare them for marriage.

Missio – the Pope’s charity for world mission

Missio ignites God’s love by helping local missionaries to work alongside global communities that are poor or in need, regardless of their background or belief.

Sometimes this need might be very specific: a motorbike for a Priest to celebrate Mass in remote villages; a simple community hall so people can gather together; vaccinations to protect vulnerable children. Whatever our missionaries need to help them share the joy of the Gospel, Missio strives to provide it.

By supporting Missio, you play a vital part in creating a vibrant Catholic Church for the future.

Many St Alban’s parishioners support Missio by having one of their red collecting boxes at home and collecting small change throughout the year. These boxes are usually emptied annually in October each year, but like many charities, small change programmes have been hit hard by the move to online payments during the pandemic, so if you would like to support missions around the world, please visit this supporting Missio, link .

Click here to visit the Missio website to see the great work they are doing to ignite God’s love in others through supporting those most in need.

St. Vincent De Paul Society

We are a lay organisation working closely with and within the church. Our core work is to visit and befriend the elderly, the housebound, the sick, the lonely, the carers and families in need by providing practical and moral support through one to one contact.

Click here for the St Alban’s SVP pages.

Click here for the St Alban’s SVP FAQs.

Please see here for CAFOD and SVP Training Sessions details…