20/30 Group

Are you in your 20s or 30s?
Would you like to meet others of a similar age and make new friends and contacts in the parish? We would love to meet you! Everyone is welcome including partners and family! We have walks, coffee and evening meetings and other activities and events, arranged through our WhatsApp Group. Join the WhatsApp group to share and join social events, look for updates in the weekly newsletter or contact Jane.

Do get in touch – new members are always welcome!

Book Club

We meet in the parish centre on the second Wednesday of the month and enjoy discussing our latest read, along with sharing poetry related to the theme of the book. It is always a lively group and we are very fair when it comes to deciding who recommends the next book!

Christmas Fayre

This fund-raising event is held in November. Anyone willing to help is most welcome. Dates of meetings to organise the Fayre are published in the Newsletter.

Knit and Natter

A friendly group of parishioners of all ages who meet to learn to knit or participate in knitting whilst having a chat and refreshments.  Meetings are usually the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month in the Parish Centre.  New members are always welcome.

Ladies Group

The Ladies Group meets in the parish centre in the afternoon on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month (no meetings during August). A lively bunch of women of all ageswe enjoy a varied and engaging programme of talks and activities, as well as Days of Recollection, Pilgrimages and social outings. Tea and biscuits provided, of course! 

Macclesfeld and District of the Catenian Association

The Catenian Association provides practising Catholic laymen and their families with friendship, social activities and support. Meeting monthly it aims to strengthen family life through friendship and faith.

Click here for the St Alban’s Catenians Website (page updated by group organiser).

Parents and Tots

Parents and Toddlers (0-4 year olds) meet every Tuesday afternoon in Term time from 1.15pm – 2.45pm in the Parish Centre.  All mums, dads and grans etc. are welcome. There is a separate baby area and for toddlers there is playdough, drawing, trampolines and bikes to ride.  There are lots of toys for all ages and we finish the session with singing for everyone.  There are no meetings during school holidays

Parish Rambles

If you want to get some fresh air and exercise, and enjoy walks in the beautiful countryside that surrounds us in the company of other parishioners, come on one of our walks.

Parish Rambles are on the 3rd Sunday of the month and usually start about 11 and finish about 4.

Parish Social Committee

The Parish Social Committee facilitates social activities for parishioners of all ages, which reflect the wonderful range of ethnic groups, cultures and nationalities within our parish. We host events such as international evenings, quiz nights, ceilidhs and concerts.  Some of the events are fundraising activities.

Future events will be posted on this website and advertised in the Newsletters.

New ideas for future events and new members to the committee are always very welcome.

The 500 Club

This has been a valuable source of income for the parish. Previously it has funded various projects such as:

  • New Altar cloths and protector;
  • Garden equipment;
  • Outbuilding repairs;
  • And parish social events.

For £24 you are eligible to take part in four draws a year. (You can also have more than one ticket.) 1st prize is £250, 2nd prize £100, 3rd prize £50, 4th and 5th prizes are £25. The renewal date is May/June each year.

A registration form and standing order are available to download:

If you would like further information please contact:

Wednesday Coffee Club

Meets on the third Wednesday of the month at one of the many local cafes, 10.30-12.  Open to all parishioners to join!  

See the weekly/monthly newsletters for the dates and venues.  

Welcoming Newcomers

When new parishioners register online or on paper forms (found at the back of the church) they receive a welcome email from the Parish Council.  This mentions some of the activities in the parish and also the various ways to keep up to date via newsletters, Facebook and the website.   New parishioners are always invited to meet for coffee and a chat and receive an email invite to the next Parish Welcome Afternoon.