For girls aged 7-10 years meeting in the Parish Centre on Mondays from 6.00pm to 7.15pm. Brownies have fun, play games, have adventures – both in and out of doors – and go away together.
St Alban’s is part of Central and Sutton District, which is in the Middlewood Division.
If you would like to register your daughter to join Girlguiding for the first time, please use this link to the Girlguiding website to register your interest and you will be contacted shortly.
Church Parade
As part of the St Alban’s Church Community, Rainbows, Brownies and Guides are asked to attend Church Parade at St Alban’s Church on the first Sunday of the month (except school holidays) at 9:30am Mass. There will also be a Remembrance Sunday Parade with all units of the Middlewood Division.
For girls aged 10-14 years, meeting in the Parish Centre on Mondays from 7:30pm-9:00pm. Guides take part in a wide range of activities at their regular meetings and at special events or holidays. Guides can get involved in anything from adventure sports to performing arts, travel and taking part in community action projects.
St Alban’s is part of Central and Sutton District, which is in the Middlewood Division.
If you would like to register your daughter to join Girlguiding for the first time, please use this link to the Girlguiding website to register your interest and you will be contacted shortly.
Lourdes Group
The parish links up with the Deanery to work together to prepare for the Diocesan Pilgrimage. Young people between the ages of 16 and 25 years are invited to join in the preparation in the months before the Pilgrimage.
Rainbow Guides
For girls aged 5 -7 years, meeting in the Parish Centre on Mondays from 5,15pm to 6.15pm. Rainbows have fun, play games, make things, mix and share, learn and discover, both in and out of doors.
St Alban’s is part of Central and Sutton District, which is in the Middlewood Division.
If you would like to register your daughter to join Girlguiding for the first time, please use this link to the Girlguiding website to register your interest and you will be contacted shortly.
St Alban’s Catholic Primary School
St Alban’s Catholic Primary School PTA
The purpose of this group is to foster parental interest in the school and to raise money for those activities which fall outside the school budget. All parents are automatically members of this association and will receive regular communications from the Chair of the PTA and the Headteacher of the school.
The aims of the PTA are:
To provide an avenue for parents and teachers to meet together and to work together for the good of our children.
To raise money for projects as agreed with the Headteacher and Governing body.
St Alban’s Pre-school
Mission: St. Alban’s Pre School provides a safe, stimulating, fun, warm, and friendly environment where children can enjoy learning, promote their independence, and grow in confidence. Curriculum: The pre-school follows a carefully structured Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum, which includes indoor and outdoor teaching and learning. The curriculum encourages learning through play, imagination, creativity, and skill development across seven areas of learning:
- Communication and language
- Physical development
- Personal, social, and emotional development (prime areas)
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the world
- Expressive arts and design (specific areas)
The goal is to nurture happy, confident children who enjoy learning and growing.
The Two Hearts Junior Prayer Group
The Two Hearts Junior Prayer Group meet every Friday afternoon during term time at St. Alban’s School from 3.30pm to 4.00pm. We say a decade of the Holy Rosary and in our own words we offer prayers of Thanksgiving and prayers of petition to God. The time we spend together is always relaxed and prayerful.
Youth Group
XCell Youth Group ran for many years at St Alban’s, providing a place for youngsters in School Years 7, 8 & 9 to meet up, socialise, play games and go on trips. We met in St Alban’s Parish Centre most months, with trips out to go bowling, trampolining, roller blading, watch ice-hockey etc, held a few times a year. The equipment for table tennis, pool, air hockey, table football, twister is still available if anyone would like to re-start the group, and the last coordinators of the group are happy to handover the information they have to help you get started. For more details email
Savio House Youth Group
There is a youth group for older teens at Savio House, run by the Salesians of Don Bosco. For more details email and you will be sent further details.
Hope Youth Forum
Hope Youth Forum organise events for young people in Macclesfield and surrounding areas as part of Hope in NE Cheshire. For more details email and you will be sent further details.