Church Cleaning

We have a beautiful Church and the way that we look after it reflects our love for it as well as demonstrating the importance we attach to keeping the House of God a place fitting for prayer and worship. We have teams of cleaners who are responsible for different areas of the Church. More hands are always welcome to make the work lighter – all we ask is one hour every five weeks!

There is a copy of the rota kept in the Parish Office.

Flower Arrangers

The art of flower arranging makes a significant contribution to the beauty of the Church. There is a small team of flower arrangers responsible for this ministry and who are willing to do special arrangements for weddings.

We would love to hear from anyone interested in flower arranging. No experience is necessary – just enthusiasm! Training and help will be provided.

Local Pastoral Area

St Alban’s Pastoral Area is comprised of the six parishes listed above as a geographical area of the Shrewsbury Diocese which, since 2007, has been arranged into 26 Pastoral Areas.

For more information, see the St Alban’s LPA Page.

Monthly News

St Alban’s Monthly News is published eleven times a year (there is no edition in August). It contains information about Parish life, groups and individuals. Contributions are always welcome from anyone in the Parish.

See our archives online.

Parish Centre Bookings

Our Parish Centre can be booked for events and it is advisable to book early to avoid disappointment.

Parish Centre Management

We are currently seeking volunteers to join our small Parish Centre Management Committee, if you would like to help in this way, please email   

Parish Council

The Parish Council is a team of parishioners, guided by the Clergy, which supports the work of the Parish under four pillars; Spiritual Growth, Community, Communication and Fabric. The aim of the Council is to achieve the Parish mission to be:

A loving Catholic community in Macclesfield, assisted by prayer and the sacraments, living God’s Word, proclaiming it to others, and serving those in need.

For more information, see the St Alban’s Parish Council Page

Parish Finance Committee

The Finance Committee ensures that the Books are properly kept and audited. It assists with creating and monitoring the budget for the income and expenditure of the Church and other property. Canon Law requires that all parishes have a Finance Committee, and Charities Legislation lays an obligation on the Parish to keep good accounts.

Parish Meeting

Gives you the opportunity to share your hopes, thoughts and experience for the benefit of all and the meetings are held three times a year. The Parish gathered together at this meeting is referred to as the PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL. We try to discern the direction the Parish should be taking in the light of suggestions from parishioners, the needs of the community in which we live and guidance received from our Bishop and the Pope. Meetings are open to all members of the parish and Parish Groups are invited to send representatives.

Planned Giving and Gift Aid

The Parish is a member of the Shrewsbury Diocese Scheme for Planned Giving and Gift Aid.

What is Planned Giving?
Our friends in the Anglican Church use the phrase “Christian Stewardship” which perhaps best explains what is meant. Each lay person, as a member of the Body of Christ, has an active role to play in the work of the Local Church and the Church Universal. Our financial contribution to this work is therefore important, however small that contribution may be. Seen in that way, Weekly Offertory Envelopes and Monthly Banker’s Orders become valuable tools, serving as reminders of the need to give both regularly and realistically.

It has been shown over the years, in all types of parishes, that an active Planned Giving Scheme results in a higher level of giving and a much more regular offertory income, enabling the Parish to better plan and budget for the future.

What is Gift Aid?
The Gift Aid Scheme is a very simple method of helping the Parish to reclaim from the Government the Income Tax already paid on the donations it receives. So, providing you are a UK tax payer the Parish/Diocese is able to reclaim the tax you have already paid on your contributions, with no further liability to yourself.

All donations eligible for Gift Aid must, however, be recorded by the Parish and so are generally given in one of three ways – Weekly Offertory Envelopes, Monthly Banker’s Order or by cheque. ‘One-off’ donations and Special Collections can also be covered by the scheme.

Gift Aid Declaration Forms are available at the back of the Church or Pete, contact details below.


At St Alban’s we take safeguarding very seriously so that everyone can feel safe and secure, practicing their faith, participating fully in the life of the parish, and being part of a caring Catholic community which looks out for one another.

We remain vigilant, so that those who have failed to honour the commandment given to us by Jesus to love one another and who harbour nefarious intentions, have no place to hide within our parish and the wider Catholic Church. To underpin our commitment to protecting those who may be at risk, we have a Safeguarding Policy which details our responsibilities and the practices within which we operate.

At all times we will listen and act with kindness and compassion towards survivors and victims of any kind of abuse or persecution.

For further guidance on safeguarding at St Alban’s, for support or to report an incident, please contact one of our safeguarding leaders.


The Webmasters are responsible for keeping the Parish website dynamic and up to date. To tell the webmasters of any website issues, news items or information about a forthcoming event, email

To stay up-to-date with parish news, prayers and information,
please follow St Alban’s on Twitter @stalbanpaul, ‘like’ us on Facebook stalbanmacc and join us on Instagram

You can also leave a review of St Alban’s on Tripadvisor

Weekly News

The Weekly News provides information on Mass and other services during the coming week. It also presents a summary of future events taking place in the Parish and locally. The newsletter is available at all weekend Masses and on this website.

Contact Candy Louise Bailey/Monica Ellesmor or drop a note into the office for the attention of Monica.

Deadline for inclusion of items in the newsletter is 4pm Wednesday.
This Week’s Newsletter