22/23rd October 1911
St. Vincent de Paul said ‘the path to an encounter with God was one that was framed by love of our neighbour’. As members of the St. Vincent de Paul Society (SVP) we try to live the reality of finding Christ in our neighbour and serving Christ in them.
Our core work involves providing practical and emotional support through person to person contact with people who have a variety of needs. We accept people as they are and try to create a caring non-threatening environment respecting the dignity of those we help.
We operate a strict policy of Confidentiality.
We live in a time when poverty and need are hidden from view leading some to question the need for the SVP. Hasn’t the welfare state eliminated poverty? The answer in NO. The welfare state does try to eliminate poverty but it mainly deals with the public face of poverty.
Poverty and need come in many forms and some are not always obvious: Take loneliness. Loneliness is one of the greatest forms of poverty in the 21st century.
Mother Theresa said ‘Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty’.
We tend to associate loneliness with older people but there are people in our parish who feel isolated and forgotten either because they are elderly, sick, lone parent, have special needs, carers and families.
Many people live in FEAR as to how they will manage this coming winter. The rise in the cost of living – leaves many people needing help with the essentials – FOOD, CLOTHES, GAS and ELECTRICITY. The people we help know they can turn to us whenever they are in need but there are many people who need our help but will not come forward because they believe only very poor people use the services of the SVP. Our challenge is to make people aware of the work of the SVP, to show they have not been forgotten and that our Parish cares.
Have you ever considered ‘Turning Concern Into Action’ by joining the SVP? With the departure of Sister Jackie, who worked tirelessly with elderly and the sick, the need for new members is even greater. Many people join the SVP to help others only to find their own lives enriched.
We would like to thank you for your overwhelming response to our appeal last year.
Our Main Source of income remains our Annual Collection
Your Prayers and financial support are vital to the work the SVP performs every day of the year in Macclesfield on your behalf. Today we invite you to contribute to our annual collection for the work of the SVP. If you Gift Aid your donation the SVP receives an extra 25%. Forms are at the back of church
I am sure we can rely on your usual generosity and we thank you for your prayers and support.
If you would like more information about the work of the SVP, members will be at the back of the church after Mass to answer any questions or visit the parish website and click on SVP.
I would like to thank Fr. Peter who is a great friend and supporter of the SVP.