The Library has now been named after Mabel North, one of the outstanding catechists, both in our parish and Diocese, and also nationally through the work of Our Lady’s Catechists. Mabel bequeathed her library to the parish, books, and video and audio tapes, which can all be borrowed. The Library is located in the Church cloister and is open any time after Mass, and also on enquiry at the presbytery.
Our library with its books is a great way of approaching Jesus!
There are many books that are very inspiring, like the ones dedicated to the great lives of Saints, biographies and true life stories of ordinary people who did great things for others by just being an instrument of God’s love: these people can be a model for us all and an inspiration of how we can be instruments of God, if we only say “Yes, Jesus use me!”
There are beautiful books full of spirituality that can help us grow in faith, answer questions about the real meaning of our faith, and understand the parables.
There are books that teach us how to conduct a prayer meeting, feeling the Holy Spirit and showing God’s presence to others; if we only could desire to shine Jesus’ light through our eyes how powerfully would we make Him live and act in the midst of us!
A big thank you must go to Rory who helped me considerably in labelling the books and moving them between shelves when necessary.
Thanks also to Fr. Aidan who suggested some specific books for people to read, most about spirituality but also classic literature and true life stories. These books will be displayed in turn on a little shelf, for people to look at them and to borrow if they wish.
Thanks to all of you who supported me in this big job, all your encouragement and the appeals from the altar!
It is up to us now to make a good use of this library!
Silvia Giampietro
For any enquiry about the Parish Library or the paper catalogue (or if you would like to know if there is a particular book), please contact me:
We would also like to invite parishioners to submit a review of any book they have borrowed from the library which they feel they would like to recommend to other parishioners.