Parish Council – Parish Objectives 2013/14



“We aim to be a loving Catholic community in Macclesfield, assisted by prayer and the sacraments,
proclaiming God’s Word, serving all in need”

OBJECTIVES 2013 – 2014

“Continue to grow an active, committed, vibrant and attractive Christian community
through the development of self-evangelising, sustainable groups”


To monitor and evaluate the current state of the spiritual needs of the parish.

To identify spiritual strengths and areas for development.

To plan for improvements
and growth in the Spiritual Development of St Alban’s Parish

Maintain the Home Groups.

Increase the number of Catechists.

Introduce Eucharistic Service Teams, building on the Eucharistic Ministers.

Interact and keep in touch with prayer groups, Catechists (Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation, RCIA).

Organise a training day for couples preparing for marriage.

Support the Post-Confirmation Group and Fellowship Group.

Represent the Parish Council in the Liturgy Group.

Organise a retreat for Eucharistic Ministers each year.

Provide support for Day of Renewal.


To monitor and evaluate the current state of communication within the parish.

Hold 2 Parish Meetings per year.

To identify communication strengths and areas for development.

Produce timeline of parish activities to support recruitment of volunteers as appropriate.

To plan for improvements and growth in the communication systems of St Alban’s Parish

Facilitate the updating of information on parish website.

Facilitate the updating of the Parish Directory.

Ensure all parish groups share information to co-ordinate activities.

Ensure parish activities are communicated effectively within the parish and wider community.


To monitor and evaluate the current state of community within the parish.

To identify community strengths and areas for development.

To plan for improvements and growth in the community of St Alban’s Parish.

Justice and Peace: to promote reflection and action on justice and peace issues and to help others in practical ways; support a link with Moshi if approved as a parish activity.

X.Cell: to sustain the no.s of students in classes 7, 8 and 9 attending church and participating in X.Cell.

Post-confirmation Youth Group: to give a group of Confirmed young Catholics aged 13-18, opportunities to socialise, deepen their friendship and feel m..ore confident in their Faith.

SVP: to establish youth SVP at All Hallows, ‘Mini Vinnies’ at St Albans Primary; to find new ways of providing food for the hungry.

Social Committee: to provide a programme of social activities in order to bring our community together.

Live Simply: to review the Fairtrade status of the Church.

To conduct 1 Parish ramble a month.

To conduct a Pilgrimage to Santiago and Compostela in order to deepen faith and build community.


To maintain the condition of the parish buildings and contents.

Refurbish toilet.

Arrange for removal of old iron heating pipes.

Install draught excluders on doors in cloisters and candle vestry.

Re-hang door to attic to hinge on the opposite side.

Change cold tap washer in vestry.

Install cycle rack.

Identify key maintenance/development tasks and appeal for volunteers to help undertake these tasks, e.g. snow-sweeping, gardening.

To aid the planning and development of the parish buildings and contents.

Investigate purchase of cushions on pews.

Evaluate whether the church entrance could be developed into a more welcoming and social space.

Create a list of contacts for trades required to maintain the fabric of the church.

Consider networking with other parishes to share best practice on ‘fabric’ issues.