Please note we accept no responsibility for the content of the external websites listed in alphabetical order below.
Arise Cheshire East is a call to united, intentional and focussed prayer for our area. It is a response to a vision and passion that in the midst of these most difficult of times we can see lives changed, communities healed and transformed and above all the name of Jesus glorified.
This website is devoted to the display of information about the Bible using diagrams and charts.
The Bollington Fun Run raises money for CAFOD’s work in the Middle East. It is open to everyone regardless of ability – you can run, jog or walk either 1 mile, 3 miles, or 4.5 miles.
CAFOD works with partners across the world, wherever the need is greatest, to bring hope, compassion and solidarity to poor communities to end poverty and injustice. CAFOD works with people of all faiths and none.
The Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) in the UK works to end the international arms trade.
Caritas offer a wide range of services to support and help children, parents, carers and families to be free from poverty, disadvantage and discrimination.
The English version of the Catechism of the Catholic Church promulgated by St Pope John Paul II, in 1992, presents the teachings of the Church.
Daily Readings
Universalis or USCCB
The reading(s), Psalm and Gospel account for daily Mass.
The Catholic Encyclopedia gives information on Catholic interests, action and doctrine.
Catholic Online gives comprehensive, educational and timely information about Catholicism as well as providing a range of easy ways to integrate faith into everyday life.
The CTS publishes books and resources to help Catholics gain a deeper understanding of their faith and to share it with others.
ChurchPOP is part of the EWTN Network and presents a fun, informative and inspirational look at all things Christian.
The Climate Coalition is the UK’s largest group dedicated to action on climate change and limiting it’s impact on the world’s poorest communities.
Transmitting 24 hours a day, the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) is an international Catholic Television Network.
The Commission for the New Evangelisation of Youth is part of the Diocesan Department of the New Evangelisation, and exists to support and encourage the faith journey of young people within our diocese.
Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability, and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world.
This not-for-profit information website is dedicated to helping people understand what is involved in planning a funeral and the costs involved.
Gift Aid increases the value of charitable donations by allowing them to reclaim tax on the donation at no additional cost to the giver.
Hope in North East Cheshire represents Christians in Macclesfield and the surrounding villages. The Objectives of Hope in North East Cheshire reflect those of Churches Together in Macclesfield and Hope4Macclesfield in being a visible sign of the Churches’ commitment to each other.
Livesimply is a 21st Century reminder to all of God’s people that we are called to live simply, sustainably and in solidarity with the poor.
The official website of the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes
Park Mount is a purpose-built care home for older people owned and run by the Pallottine Missionary Sisters.
Based on the Gospel and inspired by faith, Pax Christi promotes a vision of a world where people can live in peace, without fear of violence in any form.
Quest is a group for lesbian, gay and bisexual Catholics. Its purpose is to proclaim the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ so as to sustain and increase Christian belief among homosexual men and women.
The Diocese of Shrewsbury website gives information on life in the Diocese and Bishop Mark.
St Edward’s parish covers the south of Macclesfield and the surrounding area.
St Paul’s parish covers Poynton and the surrounding area
The St Vincent de Paul Society (SVP) is an international Christian voluntary organisation dedicated to tackling poverty and disadvantage by providing practical assistance to those in need – irrespective of ideology, faith, ethnicity, age or gender.
Information regarding issues of interest to Catholics in England and Wales.
The Catholic Herald is a leading weekly broadsheet newspaper.
The Catholic Universe is a popular weekly Catholic newspaper for Great Britain and Ireland.
Hosted by The Marian Fathers, this website presents information about the message of The Divine Mercy – that God loves us all.
The Divine Mercy – Jesus, I Trust In You
This website contains extracts from the diary of Saint Faustina as well as the Chaplet of The Divine Mercy as a Novena, which begins on Good Friday.
Independent, free and impartial advice service, set up by government, to help people manage their money.
This website celebrates the life and work of the key nineteenth-century architect and designer, Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin.
Examples of Pugin’s work include:
St Alban’s, Macclesfield | St Gile’s, Cheadle | St Chad’s, Birmingham
The Tablet is a weekly Catholic journal, which reports on religion current affairs, politics, social issues, literature and the arts with a special emphasis on Roman Catholicism while remaining ecumenical.
This website provides news and information about The Holy See and Pope Francis.
Traidcraft fights poverty through trade, helping people in developing countries to transform their lives.
Universalis makes liturgical and devotional resources of the Catholic Church available on electronic media.
Thirty eight parishoners are named on the WWI memorial in our church. This website tells the stories of these servicemen.
Nineteen parishoners are named on the WWII memorial in our church. This website tells the stories of these service personnel.
Youth 2000 is a Catholic movement for young adults aged 16-35.
ZENIT offers a view of the “world seen from Rome”, with news of the Pope, the Vatican and the Catholic Church.