Journeying Together Questionnaire

St Alban’s Parishioners’ contribution to Pope Francis’ request for input into the 2021-23 Synodal process.

In October 2021 Pope Francis started a two-year synodal process based on mutual listening.

During this consultation process, every member of the Church has the right to speak. It is an invitation for us, in the Catholic Church, to ‘walk together’ by listening to one another.

Pope Francis says “what is under discussion at synodal meetings are not the traditional truths of Christian doctrine. The Synod is concerned mainly with how teaching can be lived and applied in the changing contexts of our time.”

This questionnaire gives you a chance as an individual to express your views and feelings. It is based on some of the questions for reflection proposed by the Synod Secretariat in Rome. 

Your completion of this questionnaire would be wonderful and extremely helpful. It is entirely CONFIDENTIAL and we have therefore asked for no personal details.  Your e-mail address/ personal details will not appear in the electronic version of the questionnaire. 

Please submit your completed questionnaire by 15 February 2022 to allow time for all responses to be collated.

The results of the questionnaire will be compiled in a report which will be sent to Bishop Mark in Shrewsbury by 1 March 2022. It will be part of our parish response to the Synodal consultation. 
On 3 April Bishop Mark will offer the diocesan discernment, on what the Spirit is asking.