Dear Friends,
For over 10 years the Hope Centre has made a significant contribution in demonstrating the ‘Love of God’ by providing Love and Care to those most in need in our Community. Over 70 individuals have received training and support enabling them to move into employment. It has been a place to meet where lasting friendships have been established and our Christian community strengthened and encouraged.
During the period of COVID Emily and the team provided over 10,200 meals (Surplus Food) and responded to over 800 calls of help through the telephone listening service. At the same time God provided the financial resources allowing us to pay the team and put in place a
newly refurbished ground floor and a new kitchen- We have certainly been blessed by God’s
As we move into the autumn, we are facing new challenges. We have 3 staff, Emily as Manager and Peter and Shane who are part-time supported by an amazing team of Volunteers.
Emily and Peter during this last week have become unwell and as Trustees reluctantly we took the decision to close for 3 days. During the summer the Trustees have been providing cover and support, but on Thursday Rhona was taken ill with a suspected ‘heart attack’.
As a Management and Trustee team we are certainly under pressure!
We believe that there is only one way to respond and that is to PRAY and seek God’s support and wisdom as to the way forward.
Please can we ask that if you are passionate and concerned about the future of the Hope Centre, then please come and join with us for a time of sharing and prayer, followed by light refreshments.
‘Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4 v 7.
On behalf of the Trustees